Urych is a mountain village with dozens of authentic Boyko houses and wooden wells from the early 20th century. Take a walk along the road and you will see each one of them.
One of such houses was restored by the reserve and adapted as the Cultural and Public Center of the village and the Center of Local History “Chata u Hlubokim” (House in the Deep). The center hosts folk crafts workshops and meetings of local residents with the reserve employees.
The modern ethnographic exhibition called “Unnecessary Stuff? The story of Urych in objects and images” has been operating here since 2016. It was preceded by an expedition: museum workers visited every house in the village to collect old photos and various household items, talked to local residents, recorded their memories of social and cultural life of the village, activities of the UPA resistance army. All this is showcased at the exhibition, where all the material is presented using modern multimedia tools. This exhibition is an attempt to decode the profound meaning hidden in these artifacts and to repurpose them for continued life.
In the Local History Center “Chata u Hlubokim” you can also watch videos of testimonies given by local residents.
Since 2018 the center has been hosting the project called “The World of Carpathian Rosettes – Activities to Preserve the Cultural Uniqueness of the Carpathians”, which is carried out under the auspices of the European Union within the Cross-Border Cooperation Program “Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020”. The project involves the reconstruction of the building and its adaptation to serve as the center of local history of Urych.
Working hours:
The reserve is open daily
weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00
weekends from 10:00 to 18:00
Public holidays:
Christmas (January 7)
Epiphany (January 19)